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St Malachy’s Primary School 74 Ballymoyer Road, Whitecross


22nd Feb 2014

We celebrated Internet Safety Day on 11th February.  REIM Training Solutions came to share  valuable tips on using parental controls and safe internet browsing solutions.

On the 11th February each year Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by the organisation 'Insafe' to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world.  

According to European research, 43% of  Irish children use the internet excessively, compared to the European average of 30%. Although The internet and online gaming technologies have undoubtedly opened up many opportunities for children, however with these come potential risks. In the past year alone, Childline has reported an 87% rise in Cyberbulling.  

In St Malachy's Primary School we have taken proactive steps to address these risks by educating both our parents and pupils in a joint initiative with REIM TRAINING SOLUTIONS.  To celebrate Safer Internet Day, we held an awareness evening  which showed parents how to set up parental and internet browsing controls.  Pupils were also trained about the dangers of using the internet.