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St Malachy’s Primary School 74 Ballymoyer Road, Whitecross

New School Year

1st Sep 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians,


School commences on Monday 3rd September for all pupils.  There will be supervision from 8.30am in the mornings and Minders Club for P1,2,3 pupils from 2.15 - 3.30pm at cost of £2.

School dinner prices remain the same as last year until further notice:  £2.60 per day.

Buses will run as normal in the mornings and at 3.30pm.

A Menu of meals for the week ahead is available on the school website

A letter will be sent home this week with pupils for the new term.

Make sure to connect to our facebook page and subscribe to our email list on our website homepage to receive regular communications.


Thank you.