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St Malachy’s Primary School 74 Ballymoyer Road, Whitecross

Parental Update 03.11.21

3rd Nov 2021

Dear Parents,

Here are some updates in relation to school ahead of starting back tomorrow!  


SPINA BIFIDA APPEAL:  Thank you again for the generous donations towards the Spina Bifida Appeal.  A total of £385 was raised!  This will be handed over to the SHINE Charity in the near future. 


SAFE RETURN TO SCHOOL:  Pupils return to school tomorrow (Thursday).  I would like to thank you all for taking care in the mornings and afternoons when leaving/collecting your children to and from school.  Unfortunately the traffic/flashing lights remain broken and the Department for Infrastructure has informed me that the lights are unlikely to be fixed until near the end of the school year (when the new 20mph limit is likely to be introduced for motorists).  In the meantime, we will just have to try our best to keep pupils safe ourselves.


AFTER SCHOOLS CLUBS for all pupils will commence tomorrow as normal (Quiz and Games for P4-7 and Stay and Play for P123).  Please refer to the school calendar often to stay informed.


AFTER SCHOOLS HEALTHY KIDZ FOOTBALL CLUB:  If you wish to re-enrol your child for the next 6 weeks, you will need to revisit the link here and pay £18 online here.


CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS will run from Thursday 23rd December to Wednesday 5th January inclusive.


PUPIL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING WORKSHOPS:  Over the next few weeks we will have information workshops for pupils during school hours.  These are intended to promote children's mental health and  Safeguarding.  We have already held Internet Safety Workshops this term for P3-P7 and there will be a Child Safety Talk for pupils by the PSNI next week aswell as Relaxation Sessions for senior pupils.


FUSED GLASS WORKSHOP 7.30pm WED 10TH NOV:  There are still a few spaces on this Craft Class, led by Tracey Crossan.  It costs £5 per person attending.  Please email to book a place.


COVID MANAGEMENT IN SCHOOL:  We are very thankful to all parents for the continued efforts that you are making to ensure Covid Cases remain at zero in school.  The Public Health Authority are now managing this situation across all schools but we as a school community still can do a lot to reduces risks.  If you or your child is experiencing symptoms eg. High temperature, continuous cough or loss of taste or smell then please let the school know.  It is advisable to keep some lateral flow tests at home so you can test your child before sending him/her to school.  The teachers and all staff continue to do lateral flow tests twice weekly aswell.  


Thanks again for your ongoing support!


Justin Toner